Here's the situation, and it's not good, so prepare yourselves. -- "Five months ago her father was diagnosed with cancer. With treatment he's got a 50/50 chance of lasting to Ava's graduation, but not long after that. There is no real hope of his beating it." Vanessa gave us a second, then added, "Two weeks later her mother was diagnosed with another, even more virulent form of cancer. She almost certainly won't last to graduation; with treatment she might last a year from now, but probably not."Vanessa said nothing for a while, letting us come to grips with it. I did it by saying "Shit!" repeatedly. Julia sobbed. It took a while."Her mother was also an only child, her father had one older brother who died several years ago, also from cancer. Her sole aunt - her father's brother's wife - is in her mid-60s and living in a retirement community in Florida. She has two cousins, both in their early-30s. They're both out of state and she's never been close to either of them. Some family. ”We turned another corner to see two goons dressed in black suits, with black fedoras pulled down, nearly covering their eyes.I almost laughed out loud when both men realized the beautiful, nearly naked blonde standing next to Sherry was actually their boss’ daughter.One of them was almost shouting, when he told her, “MISS SHELLY! I ALMOST DIDNT RECOGNIZE YOU!”The other one, was bug-eyed too, as he reached for the doorknob, then stood aside to let them enter the room first. He stepped into the room behind us and announced. “BOSS - YOUR GUESTS HAVE ARRIVED!”I had never seen Frankie Petrino, but I had pictured him as being a short, fat bald man, with a cigar stuck in his mouth, wearing red suspenders.The only thing I got right - was the cigar.This man’s as tall as me, skinny as a walking-stick, with a hook-nose that looks like an anteater. I tried to shake that image off and picture him as looking exactly like Bob Walters, with a happy smile and a nicely built, chiseled body he would be.
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